Wednesday, 8 April 2015

‘Polar Opposites’

My attention was drawn to a recent social media post from a Liberal Democrat candidate, highlighting a quote from Paddy Ashdown about UKIP and Nigel Farage. “We are the polar opposite of everything that he stands for” Mr Ashdown told the LibDems in Hampshire. The candidate went one step further, and announced he was ‘proud’ to be just that.

At first it seemed to be yet another political sound bite, until I thought about it in a little more detail…

Lets first look at the definition of ‘polar opposite’, a phrase we find ourselves using from time to time. It is the ‘exact opposite’, ‘opposite in every way’. It’s what day is to night, what laughing is to crying, it’s what Russell Brand is to haircuts. It’s a simple concept, and yet when used in politics, can be very revealing.

What is it about UKIP that the Libdems claim to be polar opposites to? Well, ‘everything’ according to Mr Ashdown. Let’s take a look at a little of what UKIP proposes to give to the NHS, £3bn more directed to frontline services, elderly social care funded with £1bn per year and scrapping tuition fees for medical students (on a means tested basis). Just a few policies, but I’m sure you can work out for yourselves what the ‘polar opposites’ of those are.

If the Liberal Democrats so wish, I can produce them a ‘Pledge Card’ very similar to the one UKIP released recently. It would be a basic design I’m afraid, my time is limited at the moment, but, it would feature the ‘polar opposites’ of UKIPs pledge we have made on our own card.

I’m thinking a plain design, yellow or orange, with just 5 points on it. Basic as I’ve said, but it will highlight just how proudly ‘polar opposite’ they are to UKIP.

The Liberal Democrats Polar Opposite Pledge to Britain:
1. Say YES to the EU
2. Don’t control our borders
3. Don’t fund the NHS
4. Increase foreign aid spending
5. More tax

You’re very welcome.

In line with those pledges, I’m sure we can also look forward to increased hospital parking charges, defence cuts, wishing to only trade within the EU whilst ignoring the rest of the world market and the eradication of Britain’s farming and fishing industry. HS2 would continue to eat up billions of pounds until the next vanity project comes along and the green belt will be nothing more than a grassy memory.

“But!”, I hear the Liberal Democrats cry, “But we didn’t say that! What we said is that we are the polar opposite to UKIP!”

Yes, I believe you probably are.



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