Toby on Tuesday
Thank you, 7805 times.
Next, the thanks. A huge thank you to the whole UKIP Thirsk and Malton team, who should be immensely proud to have achieved so much with such limited resources. Our team has true star quality and to Emma, Janine, Dave, Eric and all involved in the campaign I offer my heartfelt gratitude. UKIP should be immensely proud of your truly superb contribution to the great cause of regaining our nation and our democracy.
Finally, the future. Of course, UKIP’s greatest achievement has been to force our Prime Minister to concede a referendum in 2017 on Britain’s membership of the European Union. Legislation to provide for this should be enacted later this year. And over the coming months, the terms of Britain’s membership of the whole project will be reviewed with the European Commission. UKIP’s task will be to present a positive picture of a Britain released from the tentacles of this doomed venture. On the morning after polling day, I spoke to my old friend William Dartmouth MEP, UKIP’s Trade Spokesman, who told me that he was rewriting his “Out of Europe – Into the World”, a compelling account of how our economy would benefit from EU exit. And we need to use our new strength to increase pressure on the Conservative Party to up the terms of its renegotiation strategy, not forgetting that when Michael Howard was its leader, repatriation of the truly appalling Common Fisheries Policy was a Conservative objective, an undertaking that was quietly and characteristically dropped by David Cameron. If we were to recover our 200-mile fishing limit again, it would underscore the truth that we are a maritime, trading nation and not just one more colony of a failing Continental state.
So we have much to be proud of. In particular, we should be proud of the manifesto on which we fought the General Election. This was the best of all the manifestos and the only one independently audited and verified. In great measure, it was the work of Suzanne Evans, UKIP’s excellent Deputy Chairman, and for my part it will be my bible in the years ahead. So congratulations and thanks to all involved in our campaign. Now let’s brace ourselves for the challenges that we face and ensure that in 2017 under UKIP’s inspirational leadership, both past and future, Britain can become a sovereign and independent nation once more, looking confidently out to the wider World!
Until next Tuesday!
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