Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Toby on Tuesday 



I though that this week I’d offer a modest proposal to our Chancellor, George Osborne, as our public borrowing is now the second highest of all OECD members at 5% of GNP, way ahead of the numbers for Italy, Spain, Portugal, Mexico and even Greece, and still running at close to £100 billion a year. Now above all else we really want to live well with our neighbours, but the two ways to ensure that we fall out with them are first to have an open door policy, with completely uncontrolled coming and going, and second to share a joint bank account, from which they can help themselves at will. That is why the whole Euro project, which was designed to create goodwill between the nations of Europe, has led only to mutual recrimination and mistrust.

Of course the same problem goes well beyond the shores of the so-called “European Union”. At a time of pressing social need within Britain, our net contributions to the EU budget and to the Overseas Aid budget are both running at very similar levels of around £13 billion a year and, as our economy grows, these figures are forecast to increase to some £16-17 billion a year each by 2020. And both of budgets are riddled with fraud and corruption. The EU budget has not been properly audited for 19 years now and infiltration by the Mafia and criminal gangs is endemic. As for Overseas Aid, much of this is simply stolen or spent on schemes that are beyond parody.

Now we all know that David Cameron has declared that, other than same-sex marriage, his proudest achievement is spending 0.7% of GNP on Overseas Aid. So a sensible step at this time of immense pressure on our public finances would be to include our net contribution to the EU budget in our calculation of Overseas Aid. Together they currently amount to some 1.4% of GNP at £26-27 billion a year. By reducing the combined total to the internationally approved 0.7% of GNP figure, we would meet this supposed obligation as a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council while rebalancing our out-of-control public spending. In economics there is something called the multiplier effect by which public expenditure spent at home generates additional value for the economy. Money disappearing abroad has a corresponding negative effect.

So let’s spend more of our limited resources on our own people and their needs, deny European crime syndicates and Third World despots their funding and bring a degree of integrity back to our public spending. And I offer this modest proposal to our Chancellor as evidence that UKIP, now fully recovered from gaining only one seat in May’s General Election despite winning nearly 4 million votes, is now needed more than ever!

Until next Tuesday!


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Toby on Tuesday 

“Out of the EU Into the World.”


This week I thought that I’d take a rest from Greece’s endless trauma and write instead about something far more positive – old friendships and especially UKIP friendships. Now on life’s journey we are never blessed with more than a handful of close friends, but that makes us value them still more. And I have been very lucky for a large part of my life in having a completely trusted old friend, during good times and bad, in William Dartmouth, MEP for the South-West and Gibraltar, UKIP’s Trade Spokesman and Coordinator for the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group on the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee.

Our friendship started in the 1960’s at university, with all its political and other dramas. A close family friendship followed and we then both stood for Parliament as Conservatives. What really cemented our friendship in the 1980’s was a shared perception that the Euro-project was taking Britain in a direction that could ultimately destroy it and since then, in our own ways, we have sought to prevent this. During William Hague’s leadership of the Conservative Party, I as his Constituency Chairman in Richmond and William as an active Conservative peer in the pre-reform House of Lords, were both part of the successful campaign to keep Britain out of the deeply flawed single currency project. And we spotted David Cameron a mile off when he became Conservative leader, both joining UKIP in late 2006/early 2007. In 2009, William was elected as MEP for his home region in the South-West.

Now in his second term, William has always concentrated on his trade portfolio, which is his great interest. He has wisely sought to live on excellent terms with everyone in the Party on the old premise that, if you can’t find something good to say about someone, don’t say anything. And his energy has been directed first at serving his constituents, particularly over the European Arrest Warrant and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and second on campaigning for a Britain once more open to the world. Last year he published his 90-page report, “Out of the EU Into the World.” His case that “the UK does not need to be in a political union in order to trade and other inconvenient truths” was set out with absolute clarity and consistency, providing an invaluable resource in the run-up to May’s General Election.

And William has just completed his “The Truth About Trade Beyond the EU”. This spells out “the reasons why we would not be leaving any markets when we leave the EU.” An abridged version of this will soon be circulated throughout UKIP’s branches as part of our campaign for a “No” vote in the EU referendum when it finally comes. Again, it will be an invaluable piece of research and contains vital arguments in support of our cause. It also underscores the fact that the most valuable members of our party are often those who are the least demonstrative, but instead work away patiently and quietly for UKIP. Their role is to expose the great truths for which we are fighting in the face of the mendacity and ruthlessness of those in the three old parties who wish at all costs to promote themselves by destroying our country. But with the support of UKIP members across the regions our friends at the forefront of our party like William will prevail, as indeed we all will!

Until next Tuesday!


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Toby on Tuesday 

‘Three truths…’


I joined UKIP in 2006, when it became clear that David Cameron intended to be a Conservative leader in the mould of Ted Heath. But until then I had been active in the Conservative Party during good times and bad. And from 1996 to 1999, while living in Richmond, I was William Hague’s Constituency Chairman, giving unfailing support when he became Party Leader in 1997 and for the two years afterwards. And the understanding with his supporters on which the campaign for his leadership was based was to rule out Britain’s entry into the euro for the duration of a Parliament, the most that he could have reasonably offered at the time.

Now, it is very easy to forget just how close William’s victory over Ken Clarke in 1997 was. In the first and second rounds of the ballot of MP’s, Ken Clarke had in fact been the winner. It was only in the final round that William came through to take the prize. Had Ken Clarke won, he would almost certainly have colluded with Tony Blair to bounce Britain into joining the euro and we would now be just one more bankrupt member of the failed Eurozone. On the rare occasions when I saw William after joining UKIP in 2006, he was always his affable self, no doubt looking at my defection as self-indulgence but never allowing it to affect his dry humour. So it was with great personal interest that I read his Daily Telegraph article last week on the Euro-crisis.

What he wrote was, “I remember being regarded as eccentric for doubting the euro project. Now it has proved to be a monumental error of judgment, analysis and leadership…In May 1998… I said that Joining the euro would exacerbate recession in some countries, and that some would find themselves trapped in a burning building with no exits – a phrase that brought me a fair amount of controversy and abuse…I was regarded around the EU as a rather eccentric figure, almost pitiable in being unable to see where the great sweep of history and prosperity was heading….There are three important truths for Eurozone leaders to recognize today…The first is that this crisis is not the fault of the Greek people…It is no good now expecting the Greeks to sit quietly in a burnt out room of the burning building I described seventeen years ago. This brings us to the second truth: that this is not a short term crisis, but a permanent one, in which any temporary accommodation will soon be overtaken by events… The third and final truth will be the hardest one of all for those responsible for the euro to accept: that this is not just about one country…the same tensions will ultimately surface in other nations facing a less immediate crisis but a similar prognosis…In future decades…I believe students will sit down to study the folly of extending a single currency too far. Sad though it will be to see it, their textbook is likely to say that the Greek debacle of 2015 was not the end of the euro crisis, but its real beginning.”

Released from the cares of office, William is now free to share his insights as never before. I well remember the open contempt in which he was held by the Clarkes, Heseltines, Howes, Blairs, Kinnocks and Ashdowns of this world, who should now all be hanging their heads in shame, just as I remember the dismissal of UKIP members as “fruitcakes and loonies”. But we can all be confident that events have wholly vindicated us. My hope now is that William will join that other former Conservative statesman, the great reforming Chancellor Nigel Lawson, and add his name to those campaigning for an “Out” vote in our Euro-referendum. To pay some £20 billion a year gross and £13 billion net, to open our borders to all comers and to hand our country over to the architects of the Eurozone – now that really is eccentric. Which is one thing that William, with his native Yorkshire shrewdness, never is, whatever the Eurofanatics might once have thought!

Until next Tuesday!


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Toby on Tuesday

 ‘Vaulting Ambition…’


In ancient Greek drama “hubris” meant pride, the spirit of arrogance and violence. And it led inevitably to “nemesis”, the gods’ punishment for “hubris”, as in “pride comes before the fall.” So it is that the Eurozone’s overweening pride is now leading to its inevitable fall. Last week I wrote about Channel 5’s “Conspiracy” series (www.channel5.com/show/conspiracy) and my old friend Rodney Atkinson’s account of the origins of the EU in Episode 1, “The Death of Hitler.” You can find out more about Rodney on his website www.freenations.net. For many years, he has developed his narrative in books, articles and lectures, and he has taken his theme forward in his latest e-book, “And Into the Fire: Fascist Elements in Post War Europe and the Development of the EU.” It is available through Kindle for $3.13 and hopefully before long will also be in hard copy form.

Now where Rodney differs from those who might in the past have been described as Conspiracy Theorists is that he in fact has a deep understanding of Germany from his time as a lecturer at the University of Mainz. And in this respect, he differs little from his friend Arthur Noble. Professor Noble, who is from Northern Ireland, is Professor Emeritus of German at the Universities of Metz and Nancy. He is therefore uniquely well placed to judge Rodney’s writing and of his new book he has recently said, “Rodney Atkinson’s book is a brilliant analysis of the Nazi background to the European Union and the Nazi ideas and ideals which are at the heart of the EU today and are driving its development. All freedom-loving people and democratic nations must read this book as a matter of urgency. Current developments in Ukraine with its Nazi-dominated putsch administration, together with the contrived pro-fascist propaganda of the mainstream Western media, are clear proof of the complete accuracy of Atkinson’s analyses and predictions. Please read this book. The West has forgotten the facts of history. You will regret it if you do not know what is really behind the EU and what it is planning.”

Now, like most people I have always tried to be fair-minded and to see both sides of any question. For this reason, I have until now viewed Rodney’s insights as the outcome of a brilliantly logical mind taking his ideas to their extreme conclusion. But having been mesmerised by events in Greece in recent months, I wonder, I just wonder whether Rodney might just have been right all along. What I do know is that the EU’s “hubris” is leading rapidly to its “nemesis” and that Greece will prove to be the catalyst – yet another word from the Greek meaning “undo” or annul”!

Until next Tuesday!