Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Toby on Tuesday

 ‘Vaulting Ambition…’


In ancient Greek drama “hubris” meant pride, the spirit of arrogance and violence. And it led inevitably to “nemesis”, the gods’ punishment for “hubris”, as in “pride comes before the fall.” So it is that the Eurozone’s overweening pride is now leading to its inevitable fall. Last week I wrote about Channel 5’s “Conspiracy” series (www.channel5.com/show/conspiracy) and my old friend Rodney Atkinson’s account of the origins of the EU in Episode 1, “The Death of Hitler.” You can find out more about Rodney on his website www.freenations.net. For many years, he has developed his narrative in books, articles and lectures, and he has taken his theme forward in his latest e-book, “And Into the Fire: Fascist Elements in Post War Europe and the Development of the EU.” It is available through Kindle for $3.13 and hopefully before long will also be in hard copy form.

Now where Rodney differs from those who might in the past have been described as Conspiracy Theorists is that he in fact has a deep understanding of Germany from his time as a lecturer at the University of Mainz. And in this respect, he differs little from his friend Arthur Noble. Professor Noble, who is from Northern Ireland, is Professor Emeritus of German at the Universities of Metz and Nancy. He is therefore uniquely well placed to judge Rodney’s writing and of his new book he has recently said, “Rodney Atkinson’s book is a brilliant analysis of the Nazi background to the European Union and the Nazi ideas and ideals which are at the heart of the EU today and are driving its development. All freedom-loving people and democratic nations must read this book as a matter of urgency. Current developments in Ukraine with its Nazi-dominated putsch administration, together with the contrived pro-fascist propaganda of the mainstream Western media, are clear proof of the complete accuracy of Atkinson’s analyses and predictions. Please read this book. The West has forgotten the facts of history. You will regret it if you do not know what is really behind the EU and what it is planning.”

Now, like most people I have always tried to be fair-minded and to see both sides of any question. For this reason, I have until now viewed Rodney’s insights as the outcome of a brilliantly logical mind taking his ideas to their extreme conclusion. But having been mesmerised by events in Greece in recent months, I wonder, I just wonder whether Rodney might just have been right all along. What I do know is that the EU’s “hubris” is leading rapidly to its “nemesis” and that Greece will prove to be the catalyst – yet another word from the Greek meaning “undo” or annul”!

Until next Tuesday!


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