Toby on Tuesday
'Bucket Cars and Bulwarks'
(Image from
One of my oldest, dearest friends is Rodney Atkinson. His brother
Rowan is in the business of comedy but Rodney is in the business of tragedy, in
particular the tragedy of Britain’s membership of the EU. And Rodney
has just published his latest and most powerful polemic. Called “And
Into The Fire” it is available through Amazon ( 1882383346)
in paperback or as an ebook by GM Books. Now he knows his EU and he
knows his Germany, having been a lecturer at the University of
Mainz. In essence his thesis is that, when Germany saw defeat
looming in 1944, the Nazi Party recognised that hegemony over the Continent of
Europe would need to be sought instead by peaceful means through the creation of
a “European Union”. Rodney’s evidence for this narrative is
He cites Theodor Heuss, Federal President of
Germany from 1949, a leading Nazi who had designed concentration camps and
supplied slave labour to the V2 project,. He cites Heinz Twetschler
von Falkenstein, appointed by Hitler as secretary of his “Europe Committee” and
then in 1949 appointed to a similar role as Director of the European Division of
the West German Foreign Office leading the negotiations for the founding of the
EEC in 1958. He cites Hans Josef Globke who had drafted Hitler’s
Nuremberg Race Laws and went on to be Director of the Federal Chancellery of
West Germany from 1953 to 1963. And he cites Heinrich Hunke,
Hitler’s Principal Lecturer for Education of the Nazi Party from 1934 to 1945,
who went on to become Ministerial Dirigent of Lower Saxony and a leading German
academic. This will give you a flavour of Rodney’s densely packed
book, full of astonishing information. Its conclusion is that
Germany has once again over-reached herself. For she is being
destroyed by the failure of the Euro, the very currency designed to bring the
whole Continent under her control once more through the Frankfurt-based European
Central Bank. In achieving the ambition she first set herself in
1914, she has succeeded only in bankrupting herself and the whole Continent of
For my part, what I believe to be indisputably true is that in 1945 America
took over from Britain the leadership of the West. With Germany
apparently defeated, the threat of a belligerent Soviet Union was seen as a far
greater danger to World peace. To this end, America was prepared to
turn a blind eye to the murky past of so many of Europe’s leaders.
Indeed, she wished Germany to become a bulwark against Communism and so sought a
restored Germany as a shield against Russia. And Britain’s role in
American eyes was to allow ourselves to be absorbed into the European Union as a
further defence against Russia. This mindset, which is as strong in
2015 as it was in 1945, explains why so many former Nazis obtained prominence in
post-war Germany and in the creation of the European Union.
Of course none of this is to gainsay the sheer technical genius of so much
German industry. Perhaps Germany’s greatest engineer of the 20th
century was Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. He designed the
Kraft-durch-Freude-Wagen, or “Strength through Joy Car”, which we know as the
Volkswagen. He went on to design the Wehrmacht’s jeep-like
Kubelwagen or “Bucket Car”, the amphibious Schwimmwagen or “Swimming Car”, the
Panzer tank and the flying bomb which Goebbels branded the Vergeltungswaffe-Ein
or “Revenge Weapon One”, which we know as the V-1 or Doodlebug.
Despite the emissions scandal, Germany’s technical genius continues.
And as the old joke goes, “When you get behind the steering-wheel of a Porsche,
you just feel that you want to invade Poland!”
Until next Tuesday!
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