Toby on Tuesday
'Enlarge and Expand'
Last week I wrote about Turkey’s application for EU membership.
Today I want to write about yet another candidate country, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
with a membership application that is far further advanced. Now, on
28th June, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the
Austro-Hungarian empire, and his wife Sophie were assassinated when visiting its
capital, Sarajevo. This was the trigger that ignited the First World
War and just five weeks later Britain went down into the abyss.
Today we live with the consequences of that assassination and, if we vote to
“Remain” a member of the EU, we shall find ourselves in a political union with
Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2010, visa-free travel to the Schengen zone
(and by definition on to Britain) began and last month the country applied
formally for EU membership, an application which, given its close links to
Germany throughout the 20th century, will be little more than a
formality. Yet we know so little about this particular Balkan state
with its population of some 4 million and with which we may soon be
intertwined. So some study is worthwhile and here I am indebted to
my dear old friend Rodney Atkinson, as gifted and original a political economist
as his brother Rowan, now appearing on ITV as Maigret, is an actor.
Now Rodney has recently published his latest polemic on the EU, “And Into
the Fire – Fascist Elements in Post War Europe and the Development of the
European Union.” Published by GM Books, it is available through
Amazon as either an ebook or as a paperback. And Chapter 14 is
entitled ‘Bosnia: Re-formed the Nazi SS Division “Handzar” in
1991.’ It describes our very own Paddy Ashdown’s little-known
appointment (through Tony Blair’s influence) as “High Representative for Bosnia
and Herzegovina” from 2002 to 2006, when he became all-too close to Alia
Izetbegovic, the country’s President from 1990 to 2000. And at
Izetbegovic’s funeral in 2003 our Paddy declared, “He became the father of his
people – the person who did more than any other to ensure the survival of the
modern state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” That’s quite a tribute but
just for the record, Izetbegovic had been the author of “The Muslim
Declaration”, in which he commended Pakistan as the model for the future of his
country. And in it he wrote, “There can be no peace nor co-existence
between the Islamic Faith and non Islamic institutions...The Islamic movement
must and can take power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough
not only to destroy the non Islamic power but to build a new Islamic one.”
Rodney’s book also describes how Izetbegovic re-formed the Bosnian Muslim
Nazi SS Division from World War II, the “Handzar” or “Dagger”
Division. And he reproduces a photograph on display at the Imperial
War Museum showing Heinrich Himmler inspecting the 13th Waffen SS Division
Handzar, responsible among other grisly tasks for maintaining the rail link
between the Balkans and Auschwitz, as well as a Balkan War poster from 1991 with
the headline, “The Handzar Division is Ready.” More recently, the
“Handzar Division” formed Izetbegovic’s personal guard. And Rodney
quotes a Wall Street Journal report from 2001 that, “For the past 10 years, the
most senior leaders of al Qaeda have visited the Balkans, including bin Laden
himself on three occasions between 1994 and 1996. The Egyptian
surgeon turned terrorist leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri has operated terrorist
training camps, weapons of mass destruction factories and money-laundering and
drug-trading networks throughout Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey
and Bosnia. This has gone on for a decade.”
Now, a vote
to “Remain” part of the EU would be a vote to be in a political union with both
Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Somehow we have to get this message
across to voters. The EU never stands still and my firm belief is
that the safe choice is now to “Leave”. Both Turkey and
Bosnia-Herzegovina may be exotic and exciting places to visit, but history has a
horrible habit of repeating itself. Paddy Ashdown might have got
just a bit over-excited at becoming a “High Representative”, but there is a
limit to the amount of excitement that most of us can take and that limit that
has definitely now been reached!
Until next Tuesday!
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