Toby on Tuesday
The Ural Mountains are a range that runs through western Russia from the
Arctic Ocean in the north down to the Ural River and Kazakhstan in the
south. And the minerals that they contain are vital to the Russian
economy. Now, in his bombastic speeches which have become all-too
familiar, David Cameron has often declared that he wants to see a European Union
that “stretches from the Atlantic to the Urals.” If he wishes us to
take him at his word, which presumably he does, then David Cameron is arguing
that the EU should absorb not just the whole of Ukraine, once part of the Soviet
Union and where the people in the eastern half of the country remain loyal to
Moscow, but also much of western Russia. That is the logic of his
remarks and, when combined with the preparations now well underway for the
creation of a “European Army”, this must be a cause for serious concern.
Where this is relevant is that David Cameron, along with 26 of the 27 other
EU leaders, has recently signed up to a new Ukraine-EU “Association
Agreement.” With a population of 45 million in Ukraine, this takes
the EU deep into Russian Europe, offering Ukraine visa-free travel and generous
financial incentives funded in large measure by British taxpayers.
In time honoured EU fashion, trade is being used as a pretext for political
expansion with Ukraine being offered a “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
Area.” This is a real commitment for Britain, yet it has scarcely
been reported let alone debated in Parliament, while our voters will be open to
all the risks involved in a partnership with this dangerous and unstable
country. Now, only one country in the whole EU has had the integrity
to offer its voters a referendum on this latest piece of EU empire-building and
that is Holland, one of the project’s original founder members.
And on 6th April the voters of Holland went to the polls to pass judgment
on the proposed EU-Ukraine agreement. On a low but sufficient
turnout, 61.1% of the Dutch electorate rejected the EU’s deal, with just 38.1%
in favour. The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, declared that while
the vote was not binding his government would have to “reconsider the
deal.” An official in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, stated that “Dutch
Eurosceptics could not take Ukraine hostage to express dissatisfaction with the
EU.” The truth is that, as always, the EU will ignore public opinion
and press on with its ambition to create an aggressive superstate running from
the north of Scotland down through Turkey to the borders of Iraq, Iran and Syria
in the south and right up to Russia’s Ural Mountains in the east.
The combined population of Ukraine and Turkey amounts to some 125 million, all
shortly to enjoy visa-free travel into the EU. Recently John Howard,
Prime Minister of Australia from 1996 to 2007, said, “The European project is
fundamentally flawed. I think its best days are probably behind it
and there will be increasing tensions. Britain can’t control its
borders – it’s ridiculous to say it can. If I were British, which
I’m not, I’d vote to leave. You have lost your
sovereignty.” Now it was John Howard who secured the Queen’s role as
Australia’s head of state in his own 1999 referendum. We should heed
his words, vote “Leave” on 23rd June and, supported by our friends across
Europe, including Holland, and the Commonwealth, become a free and independent
people once more!
Until next Tuesday!
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