Toby on Tuesday
'The Canterbury Tales'
The last Archbishop of Canterbury to express his faith in strong, clear
language, unhedged with sophistry and politically correct equivocation, was
George Carey. He was Archbishop from 1991-2002. And it
is not surprising that he has called for a “Brexodus”, in which the British
people find the promised land even if a time in the wilderness must be
endured. And in an article of great importance he writes, “We are an
island people, proud of our heritage and history. We have been
generous, happy to share our riches with newcomers on the understanding that
they own our history and share our values. Yet there is now huge
pressure on our population, due to an unasked-for experiment in uncontrolled
immigration that has seen millions added to the population of the UK in the past
two decades. We now have no choice but to take back control of our
borders.” And Archbishop Carey’s warning takes on a new urgency
after the revelation that for years the Government has been deliberately
falsifying the true number of migrants coming into Britain, all with access to
our buckling public services.
It is now clear that the anecdotal figure of around a million new arrivals
a year into the UK is correct, yet our public services have been planned around
falsified official figures. For it has been revealed that the Home
Office has deliberately excluded “short-term migrants”, those supposedly
planning to stay in Britain for less than a year, from the numbers.
Put simply, the official figures state that just over a million migrants came
here from the EU between 2011 and 2015. Yet in the same period
2,234,000 new National Insurance numbers were issued to EU
nationals. And the Government has finally conceded that the
discrepancy is due to the exclusion from the statistics of those claiming to
stay here for less than a year. Last year, 800,000 EU citizens
arrived here, so if you add some 200,000 non-EU arrivals then the figure of an
annual population increase of around a million is correct. And this figure
can only grow exponentially as the EU expands to take in all those unstable and
impoverished countries to its South and East.
Last week I wrote about the EU’s decision to offer visa-free travel to
nearly 130 million citizens of Turkey, Kosovo, Georgia and Ukraine, as a prelude
to their full membership of the project. Those at the top of our
Government are clearly determined to see Britain in a political union with all
of these, so we should at least try to learn something of them before 23rd
June. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey, with its population
of nearly 80 million, is plainly the most worrying. He is an
infinitely determined man who is using the threat of uncontrolled migration to
hold Berlin’s feet to the fire. When mayor of Istanbul, he was
imprisoned for inciting religious hatred by reciting these words at a
The mosques are our barracks,
The domes our helmets,
The minarets our bayonets,
And the faithful our soldiers...”
Erdogan is also a patient man who is now President of his country, on which
his grip is tightening. And, despite the warning from the good
King Abdullah of Jordan that “The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is
part of Turkish policy...Turkey keeps getting a slap on the hand, but they are
let off the hook”, on 4th May Turkish became an official EU
language. The global elites who are pressing for a Remain vote on
23rd June have their bodyguards and their drivers, their personal security and
their protection. The ordinary men and women of Britain do
not. Recently, Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of the Secret
Intelligence Service, declared “Brexit would bring two potentially important
security gains: the ability to dump the European Convention on Human
Rights – remember the difficulty of extraditing the extremist Abu Hamza of
Finsbury Park Mosque – and, more importantly, greater control over immigration
from the European Union.” For the sake of our children and
grandchildren, we must all take to heart the advice both of Sir Richard and of
the truly excellent Archbishop Carey who, although his language is plain,
clearly speaks in St. Paul’s words with “the tongues of men and of
Until next Tuesday!
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