Monday, 22 August 2016

Toby on Tuesday
'Medals and Mausers' 

Before anything else, huge congratulations and thank you to the whole of Team GB – astonishing!   And especially to the Yorkshire contingent, including the amazing Brownlee brothers, boxer Nicola Adams, diver Jack Laugher and cyclist Ed Clancy.   Also, let’s not forget Nick Skelton, with all his broken bones and new hip, finally taking gold at the age of 58, the British – dare I say UKIP – spirit incarnate!   And well done to Theresa May for ensuring a victory parade in the North of England, at Manchester in October, from where so many of our great athletes come.   Who were those idiots who said that Britain was finished and that we could never go it alone?   And for a quick Euro-chuckle, the German company Euro Information, which lists the European Commission and European Parliament as its principal clients, has already issued an EU version of the medal table which has amalgamated Team GB’s golds with all the medals won by other European countries to put the EU firmly on top!   Just for the record, its table put “European Union” at No. 1, followed by the United States and then China, Russia and Japan, with Great Britain nowhere to be seen.   Sorry Fritz, not for much longer now!
From all this wonderful news, let me turn again to what is really happening in the EU and what our BBC and EU-adoring press is simply not reporting.   On 2nd October next, Hungary is due to hold its own referendum on the EU’s migration policy, which could mark the end of the Schengen border-free zone.   And Karoly Kontrat, Minister of State at Hungary’s Ministry of the Interior, has just declared;
 “It is clearly demonstrable and can be stated as a fact that there is a connection between immigration and terrorism.   Other consequences of the migration crisis are health care implications as well as implications of a social, cultural and economic nature.   More than 300 people have died in Europe as a result of terrorist attacks since mass illegal migration started, and these attacks were committed by terrorists with an immigrant background....These attacks were committed against European culture, Christian Europe and the European way of life, and attacks of this nature may occur anywhere, at any time...The threat of terrorism should be reduced, which is only possible if we stop illegal migration.   The EU’s wrong migration policy doesn’t follow this idea, although we won’t protect the borders of the European Union, the threat of terrorism will continue to prevail.”   
At the same time, Sky News has just carried out an undercover investigation on the sheer scale of the arms trade across the Continent, with weapons being shipped illegally from war-torn Ukraine to customers across Europe.   With no border checks across the Schengen zone and the remote mountains of the Balkans providing perfect hideouts, Romanian criminal gangs in particular are boasting about how demand has soared in the past two years.   AK-47 assault rifles are the most regularly sought-after weapon, but new sniper rifles at £2,540.00 and Austrian military Stayr rifles with top-end sights are also in demand.   Other gangs also supply heavy weapons like rocket launchers, grenades, rocket-propelled grenades and land mines.   And ISIS is a regular customer in this roaring trade.  So well done Sky News for revealing what our mainstream media is just too frightened to report!
All this demonstrates exactly why a sensible, disciplined UKIP is now needed more than ever.   Not just to support our marvellous athletes when their successes are claimed by the propagandists at Euro Information as “European Union” triumphs, but also to protect our country from the failures of the Euro-currency zone and the terror-wracked Schengen zone.   Somehow we have to combine being completely open to the World with having completely secure borders.   This is a very difficult balancing act, but it is perfectly possible to achieve as part of a successful Brexit.   And, as our wonderful sportsmen and sportswomen have demonstrated with such courage and skill in Rio, everything is possible!
Until next Tuesday!

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